Hitting the Snooze Button – Why Do We Need a Community Paediatric Sleep Support Service?

Dr Clenaghan is a Specialty Doctor in Community Paediatrics in the Western Health and Social Care Trust. She has an interest in preschool development, ADHD and triage. Having worked in Community Paediatrics since 2002, she has witnessed the increase in reports of sleep disturbance from families attending her clinics along with limited resources to offer support. Dr Clenaghan is part of a WHSCT working group aiming to develop a Trust wide Sleep Framework to promote healthy sleep, provide information on sleep supports and signpost to sleep interventions for staff and service users. Dr Clenaghan has also contributed to the development of the Community Paediatric Sleep Support Service.

After qualifying as a Children's Nurse in 1997, Briege worked in the Acute Paediatric Ward in Altnagelvin until 2018. (21 fantastic years!) She worked as a Staff Nurse until 2010 when she became the Deputy Ward Sister. During this time Briege had some rotational periods in the Neo-Natal Unit. In 2018 she moved to the Community Childrens Nursing Team (WHSCT- Northern Sector) caring for children with complex medical & nursing needs where she remained for 4 years, during which time Briege became an independent nurse prescriber. In 2019 she completed a qualification in Sleep Counselling in Cognitive and Behavioural Techniques and in 2022, was successful in her application for the 1st Community Paediatric Nurse Specialist post within both Northern & Southern Sectors of the WHSCT. As part of Briege's role, she supports children & families with neurodevelopmental disorders that experience sleep difficulties. Briege works as part of a Multi-Disciplinary Team, and she looks forward to developing & expanding her role in the future. As the chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu said; “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”
What will the webinar cover?
Key learning objectives
- To explore the guidance for the pharmacological management of insomnia in the paediatric population with neurodevelopmental disorders
- To show how a new community paediatric sleep support service is managed and what we can all learn from providing this service